Thursday, May 28, 2009

Do WowGreen cleaners really work?

I have recently started using WowGreen home cleaning products. Well, not too much because I really don't like cleaning house! Especially when I have to spray some toxic cleaner and then hold my breath while I scrub or leave the room to take a breath. Many cleaners make me cough and choke and gag! And God forbid you accidentally combine two that shouldn't be combined! You only have to do that once to figure that one out!

Anyway, a friend introduced me to these new cleaning products that are GREEN and non-toxic. You can breath while you clean! What a concept. They have everything from laundry detergent to bath and tile cleaner and everything in between. I ordered a monthly supply that will probably take me 6 months to use but during those 6 months, I will be kinder to the environment as well as kinder to myself and my family.

You see, the toxins in household cleaners linger long after the noxious fumes have faded from your consciousness. They say the air in your homes is far more polluted than the air outside. Even if you live in a high pollution area. Don't we owe it to ourselves and our children to provide healthier air to breath inside our homes? Getting the toxic cleaners out of your house is a good start!

So, I have started using some of these products and they work but I haven't really paid that much attention to how well they work. Yesterday I went to my chiropractor and noticed a bottle of Wowgreen widow cleaner on his counter. That started a conversation about the products and how safe they are great they work! I hadn't noticed, but apparently the window cleaner is awesome! I had only used it to clean our bathroom mirrors, once, and only noticed that it wasn't terrible like those 99 cent store window cleaners.

My chiropractor told me that the window cleaner works great on glass shower doors. You just spray it on and wipe it off and all that gunk and hard water build up comes right off! "Well, I have got to try that!" I said, because my shower really needs it!

Today I am trying the window cleaner on my dirty shower doors and I am going to let you know ow it really works! Oh, I should take before and after pictures so you can really see how good it works! Coming soon...Pictures!!

I decided that I am going to try each product and really pay atttention to how well it works. I will give all my personal reviews right here. I plan to find out: Do WowGreen cleaners really work? I will let you know!