Monday, June 1, 2009

WowGreen Glass Cleaner Review

Today I got ambitious and decided to clean the shower. First I wanted to try the glass cleaner my chiropractor was telling me about. I was expecting miraculous results on my heavily soiled shower glass. There were no miracles. The Wow Green glass cleaner was not tough enough. I guess the build-up was just too much for the glass cleaner to handle. I was thinking I was going to have to resort to something toxic like Lime Away or CLR but....Luckily, I didn't have to. See my review on WowGreen Tile and Bath cleaner. I have still had great results with the glass cleaner on normal jobs like mirrors and windows. There is no streaking and it does a great job.

I give WowGreen glass cleaner 5 stars on normal glass cleaning jobs. It not a miracle cleaner but it safely and non-toxically does the job it is intended to do.

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